While I Qualified, Guns Did Too
“Living the Dream”, a phrase popularly used while I served the country as a young aviator in the United States Navy. “Living the Dream” refers to the lifestyle of a young aviator awaiting the next adventure in the cockpit. The dream of defending the country and protecting the liberties we enjoy as American citizens, but this time the dream with lived by me qualifying to be the next Commissioner of District 3 in Clayton County. Interestingly, I was joined by other SpelHouse (Spelman/Morehouse College) alum vying for Clayton County leadership.
First, I would like to thank everyone that has donated to the campaign so that we could raise enough funds to qualify. Thank you for believing in me. I am humbly asking you to help me become the leader needed in Clayton County, continue to support me as I wish to serve you, and walk with me faithfully to restore the jewel written about in Margaret Mitchell’s american literary classic Gone with the Wind.
Second, while I qualified to represent the people I attribute much of my success to, House Bill 859 passed in the Georgia’s heavily republican state Senate. #HB859, allows for a person with a concealed to carry license to carry a concealed gun on colleges and universities in Georgia. The oddity of this specific bill passing is that all campus presidents and police departments disapproved of the measure. Furthermore, 80% of Georgians are against this legislation too.
Personally, I don’t think adding guns to the collegiate combustible cocktail of babes, bros and booze in anyway is a good idea. Truthfully, have guns saved more lives than they destroyed. If you are a Georgian and you feel misrepresented, disagree with this legislation, or politically castrated by this legislation, you have ways to gain back your confidence in our democracy. You can call the office of Governor Nathan Deal to prevent the flooding of guns in our educational institutions.
In closing, let’s restoring the village and put our children first.
Events This Week:
Jonesboro City Council: 6 pm Monday
Jonesboro Police Department
170 S. Main Street
Jonesboro, Ga 30236
Clayton County Board of Commissioners Meeting: 7 pm Tuesday
Clayton County Administration
112 Smith Street
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Hoops 4 Hope: Celebrity Basketball Game:
2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 19th
Clayton State University Laker Hall
The Beautiful Mile:
8:00 a.m. Saturday, March 26th
Old 4th Ward Park